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Olive Oil PEROLLO made from cultivar Biancolilla, Nocellara del Belice e la Cerasuola


Available sizes:

0.25L - 0.50L - 3L - 5L

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Our Olive Oil is made from cultivar Biancolilla, Nocellara del Belice e la Cerasuola, everything according to the ancient traditions.
The cold pressing keeps intact the fragrance, the scent, and the organoleptic properties.

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The color is gold-green, the taste reminds you of green tomato, artichoke, and fresh herbs.
Thanks to its bitter flavor it works perfectly with red meat and roasted fish.

We believe in the territory and in the people who take care of it. That's why we are partners with UPO (Unione Produttori Olivicoltori) and we work on more than 250.000 Olive groves to give our products the best quality.



By Sara Barbara Guadagnoli

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